Los Angeles Improve Your Smile for Senior Pictures

Improve Your Smile for Senior Pictures Los Angeles, CA

If you are in your junior year of high school, it is time to think ahead to your senior pictures. These are the pictures that will remain in infamy in your school yearbook and looked at by all your friends for decades. This is not your casual selfie, but something you want to really look amazing in. Your smile is the first thing people will notice in your senior pictures, so visiting the dentist is the best way to improve how you look.

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    Change What You Dislike About Your Smile

    At Mathews Dental Group, we can examine you in our cosmetic dentistry office and discuss what you do not like about your smile. If you have gaps between your teeth or they are crooked, stained, or misshapen, we can fix them in our Los Angeles, CA dental office. There are several ways we can address most aesthetic issues. We will begin by conducting an examination, taking X-rays, discussing the timeframe we are working with, and then presenting you and your parents a variety of options to choose. Since some have set time constraints, it is best to schedule your appointment with our office as soon as possible. You can do so by calling (310) 412-9291.

    Invisalign® to Straighten Your Teeth

    If your biggest concern is that your teeth are crooked, we can straighten them using Invisalign®. This is the best way for you to straighten your teeth if you are worried about the appearance of traditional metal braces. The Invisalign® aligners look like a full plastic retainer, and they surround your teeth completely. By placing pressure on specific teeth, they gradually move them into the right position. Each aligner is worn for around two weeks before being switched out for the next one in the series, and since you can do that at home, you will spend less time at our dental office. The reason that our teenage patients love this option is because the aligners are removable. You can take them out to eat, brush your teeth, play sports, go to a school dance, etc. This means you are in complete control of your treatment and can still enjoy being a teenager without constantly worrying about your teeth. As long as you wear the aligners for at least 20 hours a day, your treatment will progress on schedule.

    When you visit our Los Angeles dental office, we can examine you and let you know how long your Invisalign® treatment will take. At Mathews Dental Group, we find the average treatment time to be around a year and a half. The good news is that if your teeth are not perfectly straight before your senior pictures, they will at least be straighter and your smile more beautiful. Since the aligners are removable, simply take them out for your photos.

    Dental Veneers to Give You a Flawless Smile

    When you want a smile that rivals any Hollywood star, dental veneers are your best option. Dental veneers are thin porcelain shells bonded to the surface of your prepared teeth. They essentially replace the outer layer of your teeth, the enamel. Once bonded in place, all you see is the veneers and not the teeth beneath them. As a result, they can be used to change the shape and size of your teeth so your smile is symmetrical. They can also close gaps between your teeth, cover dark stains, and make your teeth appear straight, even though their actual position has not changed. At Mathews Dental Group, we place dental veneers on a regular basis and work to produce the best results possible. During your first appointment with our Los Angeles office, we will make an impression of your teeth and take measurements in addition to preparing your teeth. This requires us to remove a portion of your enamel so when the veneers are placed, they lay flat and do not make your teeth appear overly large. We will then provide you with a set of temporary veneers to wear while the lab completes the permanent ones. In a week or two, you will need to return to our office so your final set of veneers can be bonded to your teeth. Since several appointments are required and your teeth will be sore for a few weeks, it is recommended to schedule an appointment for around two months before your senior pictures. This way, your smile will be beautiful, and you will be used to your veneers long before stepping in front of the camera. To schedule your appointment, call 310-412-9291.

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    Dental Bonding to Improve the Appearance of Your Teeth

    If your senior pictures are just around the corner, the fastest way to improve the appearance of your smile is with dental bonding. Unlike dental veneers, which can take a month, or Invisalign®, which can take a year, dental bonding can be completed in one appointment. This is a non-invasive procedure that is completed chairside, meaning without help from the dental lab. When you come in for your initial consultation, we will discuss the concerns you have about your teeth and then strategize as to the best way to correct them. For example, if one tooth is longer than the rest, we could shave off a portion of it and use dental bonding to contour it. If your teeth are yellow and severely stained, we can place dental bonding material on top of them to cover these deep stains. We can even use bonding to close small gaps in between your teeth, to restore teeth that have been cracked or chipped, and to change their overall shape and size. Dental bonding material is incredibly diverse because once applied to prepared teeth, we can shape it right then and there. Once it looks exactly right, we will harden it with a special dental light and you will be on your way. You can have your senior pictures taken that week, and your smile will look amazing.

    Schedule a Consultation Today

    At Mathews Dental Group, we can improve your smile in time for your senior pictures. Since time is of the essence, call (310) 412-9291 to schedule an appointment with our Los Angeles, CA dental office right away.

    Definition of Cosmetic Dentistry Terminology
    Bleachorexia is when people continue to abuse teeth whitening solutions without consulting professionals, causing significant damage to their enamel and gums in the process.
    Carbamide Peroxide
    Carbamide peroxide is a solution that contains hydrogen peroxide and can help to whiten teeth.
    Cosmetic Dentistry
    Cosmetic dentistry is generally used to refer to any dental work that improves the appearance (though not necessarily the function) of a person’s teeth, gums and/or bite.
    Deeper Teeth Stains
    Deeper teeth stains are stains that require professional oral health services and can result from certain foods, beverages or improper oral hygiene.
    Dentin Hypersensitivity
    Dentin hypersensitivity is when the enamel wears down on the tooth enough that the dentin faces exposure and will cause great levels of pain when a person applies pressure to the tooth or drinks hot/cold beverages.
    A dentist, also known as a dental surgeon, is a doctor who specializes in the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases and conditions of the oral cavity.
    Hydrogen Peroxide
    Hydrogen peroxide is a chemical compound in teeth whitening solutions that patients use to whiten the shade of their teeth.
    Relief ACP
    Relief ACP stands for amorphous calcium phosphate, which helps to relieve the pain in sensitive teeth in a gel form.
    Stained Dentin
    Stained dentin can result from certain foods and beverages with a lack of proper brushing. Dental professionals can provide whitening treatments to brighten the teeth.
    Surface Enamel
    The surface enamel is the hard outer shell that protects the dentin and pulp of the teeth. The enamel is the surface that people see when one smiles.
    Surface Teeth Stains
    While surface teeth stains can be inevitable with age, certain foods and beverages will only promote discoloration and faded teeth.
    Teeth Whitening Concentrate
    Teeth whitening concentrate is the bleaching agent that whitens the shade of teeth, which is more effective from a professional and not a general store product.

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