Los Angeles Cosmetic Dental Services

Cosmetic Dental Services Los Angeles, CA

At Mathews Dental Group, we offer cosmetic dental services in Los Angeles. Patients can benefit from having a single procedure or having a full smile makeover. We understand that a persons' smile can transform their entire appearance, restore self-confidence, and make it easier to speak clearly. Whether your goal is to improve your appearance or to improve the functionality of your teeth – we can help.

Request An Appointment

    Schedule a Cosmetic Dental Procedure Today

    If you live in Los Angeles, CA, we invite you to call (310) 412-9291 and schedule a consultation to speak with Dr. Lauren Mathews-Bryant and Dr. Gwendolyn Kelly. During your appointment, we will examine your teeth and discuss the goals that you have for your smile. Since there are so many types of procedures to choose from, it is important to understand what you are trying to accomplish so that we can customize a recommendation that fits your lifestyle and timeframe goals.

    Before we schedule any cosmetic dental services, we will want to ensure that your teeth and gums are in good health. It is essential that they are. Otherwise, you will take longer to heal, and your teeth will continue to deteriorate over time. Starting with healthy teeth, or restoring damaged ones during the process, is important for keeping your new smile looking fabulous for years to come.

    Simultaneously, your gums need to be in good health before completing any major cosmetic work. Many people are unaware of how important the connection between the gums and teeth are. If your gums are receding or you have some level of gum disease, it will continue to advance and put your teeth at risk for further infection and even bone loss. Any level of gum disease can jeopardize any cosmetic work that we complete. Thus, if gum disease is present, we will treat it first.

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    Enhance Your Smile the Way You Want

    Once you are ready for a cosmetic procedure, we will have you come in for your scheduled appointment time. We typically recommend starting with a teeth whitening procedure. This can be important because any restoration or cosmetic work you choose can involve creating a crown or veneer. Whether restoring a damaged tooth or replacing it, we typically create a new tooth using resin, ceramic, or porcelain. These materials are all similar in nature and are stain resistant. If we transform your smile with veneers, for example, they will not stain like natural teeth. The challenge is that they do not whiten like natural teeth either. That means that before you have cosmetic work, you will want to ensure that your natural teeth are the shade that you like. If you have all of your teeth corrected, then this is not an issue. If, however, you are only focusing on one or two teeth, they will be made to match your surrounding teeth. If you do not like their color, the newly-restored tooth will also be a shade that you do not like.

    Our team will then go to work on transforming your smile from ordinary to stunning. Whether we are closing gaps between teeth, changing their overall shape or size, covering dark stains, straightening teeth, or restoring teeth, our cosmetic dental services can give you the smile you have always wanted. For more information or to speak with Mathews Dental Group call 310-412-9291.

    Definition of Cosmetic Dentistry Terminology
    An allograft is a graft of tissue from a donor within the same species as the patient that is not a genetic relative.
    Alveolar Ridge
    The alveolar ridge is the bony ridge for one of the jaw ridges located on the roof of the mouth or on the bottom of the mouth.
    An autograft is a graft of tissue from one portion of an individual’s body to another.
    Bleachorexia is when people continue to abuse teeth whitening solutions without consulting professionals, causing significant damage to their enamel and gums in the process.
    Cap Splint
    A cap splint is a plastic or metallic device that professionals may use to treat mandible or maxillary fractures and cover crowns of teeth.
    Cosmetic Dentistry
    Cosmetic dentistry is generally used to refer to any dental work that improves the appearance (though not necessarily the function) of a person’s teeth, gums and/or bite.
    Crown Lengthening
    Crown lengthening is a surgical procedure that increases the extent of a tooth structure for restorative or esthetic purposes.
    Dental Crown
    A crown is an artificial tooth, usually consisting of porcelain, which covers the top of the implant to provide people with an aesthetically pleasing and fully-functional tooth.
    Dentin Hypersensitivity
    Dentin hypersensitivity is when the enamel wears down on the tooth enough that the dentin faces exposure and will cause great levels of pain when a person applies pressure to the tooth or drinks hot/cold beverages.
    A dentist, also known as a dental surgeon, is a doctor who specializes in the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases and conditions of the oral cavity.

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